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General Terms - SkyTown TLV

Aerial Adventure Park


SkyTown TLV Aerial Adventure Park (hereinafter – “The Park”)


Before entering the park, every participant must carefully read the rules, complete his personal particulars, in their entirety, and must sign to confirm that s/he has understood the rules and accepts them. A minor, and/or a person who is incompetent of signing himself – an adult will sign and will undertake, by his signature, to explain, to the participant, what is stated in this document.

The park is happy to welcome people with disabilities. The latter are asked to state, on this form, the disabilities from which s/he suffers, and, if necessary, the particulars of his companion. The park’s staff will do the best that they can to make the park accessible for you.

  1. Pre-requisites for activity in the park: only those that hold a valid entry ticket, and/or coupon will be permitted to take part in the activity. A companion, who gets onto the apparatus, is considered, for all intents and purposes, to be a participant.

  2. Health declaration: the activity on the apparatus requires physical and mental exertion, and is intended for those in good health. Anyone who wishes to take part in the park’s activity will declare that s/he does not suffer from any disease, and that s/he does not suffer from physical and mental problems that constitute a risk to himself and to others. It is emphasized that the activity involves a high risk of injuries, such as grazing and bruising, and the participant waives all demand, and/or claim, against the park in regard thereof.

    The activity on the apparatus is prohibited to those who suffer from back and neck problems, blood pressure problems, mental problems such as depression and anxiety, and to pregnant women. The participant is responsible for informing the park’s staff of any health, and/or metal problem, and for receiving directives whether, and how, to use the apparatus.
    The highest weight for participation is 120 kg.

  3. The hight requirement for the Park is essential for enjoying the facility.
    Kids under 100c"m will not be allowed to climb on the facility. 
    Kid from 100c"m to 125 c"m will be allowed only on the KIDS Course at ground level. 
    Costumers from 126 c"m to 140c"m will be able to climb to the high level, but will need to be accompanied with an adult over 140 c"m for reaching to the safe cables. 
    Costumers over 141 c"m will be able to climb to all level with no escort. 
    *The height will be determined by a guide at the park. 


  4. Safety: Prior to entering the park, every participant must undergo safety instruction. It is made clear that the use of the park’s apparatus involves safety techniques, which are the exclusive responsibility of the participant. Every participant must strictly observe the rules specified in this document, on the signs posted in the park and must act according to the instructions of the park’s staff and the directives of the safety instruction.

  5. Liability: the activity in the park is carried out at the personal liability of the participant. In the case of minors, or people with restricted legal ability, the legal guardian, and/or the companion in the park is liable for their activity.

  6. Equipment required by participants: the park supplies every participant, individually, with a modern, designated system of safety equipment. This equipment is the park’s property , and may not be used outside the park, or transferred between participants. The participant is obliged to look after the equipment, and to return it the park’s staff, when s/he has finished using it. Inform the staff immediately of any damage and/or defect in the equipment. The safety equipment supplied may only be used in accordance with the instructions of the park’s staff.

  7. Clothing and equipment: it is recommended that you come to the park with footwear appropriate to sports activity (sports shoes or mountain boots). Hair tied into a pony tail. It is prohibited to carry personal belongings onto the apparatus (bottles of drink, mobile telephones, cameras, keys, wristwatches, bracelets, chains, etc.).  Glasses way be worn on the apparatus, but they must be secured with a cord.

  8. Cessation of activity: when climbing becomes difficult, or when the weather becomes dangerous (winds, rain, lightning and fog) the park’s staff are entitled to terminate the park’s activity. It is made clear that if activity is terminated, the participant is not entitled to a refund of money, and/or to credit, and/or any other compensation, even if the activity was terminated when the participant was already in the midst of the activity on the apparatus.

  9. Listen to the instructors’ instructions: the park’s staff are here to maintain your safety and to ensure that you enjoy the activity. The participant must immediately obey the instructors’ instructions, and carry them out precisely. Do not run, jump or be wild during your activity on the apparatus. Do not eat or drink during your activity on the apparatus, or in its vicinity. Smoking on or near the apparatus is strictly prohibited. Do not go onto the apparatus outside the opening hours, without permission from the park’s staff. The instructors have the full authority, at their discretion, to cease the activity, and/or to expel a participant, or even a whole group. If they do not obey the instructions. It is made clear that a participant, and/or a group whose activity is ceased, and/or are expelled from the park, are not entitled to any compensation, and/or credit, and/or refund of money.

  10. Deferment of a ticket or voucher: the park’s staff are entitled, at their exclusive discretion, to change the date set for the ticket or voucher, in the event of rain, hail, thunderstorm and strong winds, and, also, in the event of other restrictions imposed by the authorities such as the security situation, and/or engineering directives regarding the park and its apparatus. The park’s staff will act to inform the participant as early as possible, through the contact details that the participant gave to the park.

  11. Faults in the health declaration: in the event that the participant did not meet the conditions required in the health declaration, and/or the park’s procedures, and/or gave erroneous and/or misleading information, the ticket or voucher will be cancelled, and the participant will not be entitled to any compensation, and/or credit, and/or refund of money.

  12. Cancellation of purchase: the participant is entitled to cancel the purchase of a ticket or voucher, as long as s/he notifies the park up to 14 days from the date of purchase, and in the case of an event, 7 working days before the date of the event.

  13. The park is not liable for a participant’s valuables, and/or for any damage, and/or loss of his/her personal equipment.

  14. In any event of harm, and/or damage, during the activity, the participant is required to report, immediately, to the park’s staff, and to complete the appropriate form, prior to departing from the park. The park cannot handle, and/or relate to any complaint after leaving the park.

  15. In case of medical condition that needs reference please advise with one of Skytown stuff. 

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